Meet jess

I’m a chef who went to art school!

I wish i could go back to tell my 20 year old self to ditch the conceptual stuff and focus on my true calling: the art of hosting beautiful experiences.

From making pottery, to weaving, to my time in the kitchen, and even making candles – my entire creative practice revolves around the way we come together around the table to share the most important moments of our lives.

It’s all coming together

I’ve worn a lot of hats over the years — I had a whole past life working in the conservation of Colorado watersheds; I’ve been a professional ceramic and textile artist, and somehow also a world-traveling elopement photographer while developing my skills as a chef.

It’s been a little topsy-turvy at times, but one thing I’m gonna do is trust the journey, and that journey has led me to Terrene.

I’m so proud to offer a place at my table that honors the earth so thoroughly — from the stoneware that holds your meal, the textiles that adorn your table, the flowers grown right here in town, and of course, beautiful down-to-earth food.